Permissions in Jetpack Compose
Permissions in Android just got a lot easier to manage thanks to Compose and the Google Accompanist library. Now we can create a composable function to wrap any other function that might need to access permissions easily like this: AcceptPermissions { MainScreen () } Add the following dependency in your build.gradle (module) file: implementation "" We then set up a composable function to check our permissions and display a dialog to the user. If the user doesn't accept the permissions, we also create a composable to show if the user denied the permissions. Permissions.kt @OptIn ( ExperimentalPermissionsApi :: class ) @Composable fun AcceptPermissions ( content : @Composable () -> Unit ) { val permissions = mutableListOf ( android. Manifest . permission . ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION , android. Manifest . permission . ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION , android. Manifest . permission . WRITE_EXTERNAL_S...